Uma gaivota voava, voava,
Asas de vento,
Coração de mar.
Como ela, somos livres,
Somos livres de voar.

Uma criança dizia, dizia
"quando for grande
Não vou combater".
Como ela, somos livres,
Somos livres de dizer.

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25 DE ABRIL, SEMPRE! ♥️ Only in freedom can we live fully. Only in freedom can we build a better future for our children. One of happiness, justice and peace. ♥️

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I'm a little late but yesterday was 25 de abril <3 a very important day to my country
It's the Liberty Day <3

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We want to celebrate a special Portuguese Holiday by giving everyone a special discount on the most portuguese game of all times!


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For non Portuguese peeps, today it’s a very important day for Portugal, o Dia da Liberdade. And hopefully, all Portuguese peeps are safely at home ❤️

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Viva a liberdade! Viva Portugal!

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On Portuguese people all around the globe celebrate our love and respect for freedom and democracy. Maybe a celebration more relevant than ever in today’s confined world. 25 de Abril sempre, fascismo nunca mais!

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Este é o desenho do . Pouco institucional mas autêntico e cheio de emoção.

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Bom que lutemos sempre pela liberdade!!

Today's date celebrates the day Portugal said fuck you to fascism with carnations on the soldiers guns

The text on the image is
"Sometimes the only solution is disobey" said by Salgueiro Maia

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