
1 10

Birds in the nest and birds in the tree

BL Add MS 11639; 'The Northern French Miscellany'; 1277-1324 CE;ff.325r, 332v

6 39

'This is a bird which is called Bar Yokhnai', one of the eschatological creatures.

BL Add MS 11639; 'The Northern French Miscellany'; 1277-1324 CE; f.517v

13 56

Here is the wonderful giant bird, Bar Yokhnai, one of the eschatological animals!

BL Add 11639; 'The Northern French Miscellany'; 1277-1324; France, N.; f.517v

3 5

Thoughts of the brazen serpent!

Add MS 11639; 1277-1324; 'The Northern French Miscellany';

10 38

Lions, lions, lions, lions but not St Jerome's!

MS Kennicott 1; 1476 CE; Spain; f.64r,
Oriental 2737; Spain; c. 1300; f.35v
BnF MS Latin 10525; 13th century; f.56r
Add MS 11639; 1277-1324; f.520r

21 59

Two depictions of Samson slaying the lion!

Or 2737; 1275-1324, Haggadah for Passover according to the Spanish rite (the 'Hispano-Moresque Haggadah'); Spain; f.35v
Add MS 11639; 1277-1324; 'The Northern French Miscellany;

12 34