Mobile Suit Gundam (1993) has a 2P-colored RX-78-2 with Sayla as a pilot since I guess they realized the roster is a sausagefest, but all her quotes are her realizing piloting mobile suits is hard lol.

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▶️《Devil May Cat》
SIZE◆ A5/72P-Color
⚠️It consists roughly 60 pages of my released DMC cats stories and 10 pages of exclusive contents.
▶️DMC Kitty Acrylic Charms Set
SIZE◆ 4*6cm

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Drew a 2P-color Goenitz without a head
Happy birthday Goenitz!

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2P-color B. Battler

(I just doodled him in an old tablet. The colors are different in my phone orz)

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【おねショタあつめ】 【購入はコチラ→】 気になったらRT

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