Legit NES graphics.
5x3 screens large stage. 255 of 256 BG tiles used.

This is probably my most reusage-effective stage for this project as of yet. One 8x8 pattern is reused 123 times on average, with some subpalette trickery.

45 370

Hi! Just me trying on a new format for showcasing my level art in better detail. Maybe this is ok.

52 379

I don't think i ever posted this "finished" stage concept.

Since isometry tends to negate colour count on the NES, i used an emphasis toggling trick on the skyline to have it appear as having more colours than what actually is in the palette

43 321

Continuing the reposting. Scene for project "Borscht", made in spring 2020 i think.

27 169

Genuine NES graphics.

One of the abandoned cliffside holds along the long lake for my NES game project "Borscht".

2 by 2 screens. All 256 bg tiles.

43 281

Single screen probably 100% done, give or take later considerations.

authentic NES town scene made possible by covering up attribute errors with just a handful static sprite objects, and setting R emphasis.

3 of 4kB BG RAM used.

28 257

left: single screen 80% done; with sprites overlaying the problem attribute areas
right: the raw background layer (known as nametable in NES lingo)

15 165

Halfway tileset WIP for my gothic platformer for the NES; project "Borscht".

1 of 4 subpalettes reserved for later.

46 301

NES graphics for an new NES game. (codename "Borscht")

Currently expanding a tileset from earlier this year into a proper stage. here's the first 2 screens.

85 592


1 3