Just had my most satisfying scam action roleplay ever. Love negotiations!

3 18

2nded but I'm also INCREDIBLY biased bc it's my fav too. Q Hayashida has an incredible art style and the backgrounds in the anime are stunning (here's some of my favs from the art book)

Each character gets their moments too and they all have such varied personalities

0 17

We Guardian Warriors marked by the Gods, charge forward without fear of peril, sword readied to levy Justice and Decimation upon the Evil Foes of the Lands, wherever they cowardly hide!

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The Priest of Staglord faces the Antipaladin of the Rat God, as their henchmen and followers war about them.

13 35

りりあ。の「失恋ソング沢山聴いて 泣いてばかりの私はもう。」を起用したTVアニメ『サマータイムレンダ』ノンクレジット2ndED映像が公開!


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Let's go on with those creatures from the Pathfinder 2e Bestiary 2! This little fella here is a Vampiric Mist and wants your blood!! Beware!!

Acrylics on heavy bristol paper, 325 x 250mm.
Original for sale!

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