


36 189

((ノ≧∀)ノハ〜ィ♪ k2voice

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Woman series
Every Art tells a silently about
Every Art has is unique and comes 2 limelight with a hidden history with concept

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Love inspires for creativity
Life and Love both r intertwined with eachother forever Size 28×20 inches

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POC continue to be minimalized by Republicans. are all alive and present in today's society. For anyone to remain silent is unacceptable

in Solidarity
preserve democracy

39 52

🗳️REGISTER TO VOTE!🗳️ https://t.co/QPgWsTTwn4🗳️
🌊Climate change is real🌎
🌊Policies that put people first👥
🌊Confront moneyed interests💰
🌊Dems grow economy 4.4% v 2.5% for Reps💵
🌊Party of inclusivity🗽

112 312

お題の voice2voiceコーデのグレイスちゃんです

>voice2voice衣装のグレイス https://t.co/YPtPD7TdBM

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F2Voiceフリー企画第23弾!「カロリーモンスター 」公開!! https://t.co/HmhZ6aqkD9 ●本作はスマホアプリを題材とした怪談ボイスドラマです。育成アプリ「カロリーモンスター」にハマった少年が、アプリにのめり込んでいく様子を楽しめます。

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