# delena

Day 28 of Favorite award we won for Delena?

This is unpopular but my favorite is the second PCA we won. We voted so hard and won and it's when I met the most amazing people here and we had a great time voting and talking and they're still my friends ❤️

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Day15- Favourite Romantic Scene?
This ones between 2 scenes the rain kiss would be my number1 everything about that scene the rain the song the way they look at each other “Promise me this is forever,I promise”
& “I’m not sorry, I’m in love with you”

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Day 2: season 3 because of this kiss 💫

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favorite delena fanfics...

this one was too easy-

someone like you
long lost and gone
thinking of you

sadly thinking of you is now deleted, may she rest in peace 🥺🖤

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Day 2:Season 6, since there we see Elena and Damon shattered for each other, Damon conquers Elena FOR THE SECOND TIME♥️ and the promise that it would be forever rain😍until the farewell Delena was mythical,besides Damon wanting to take the cure just for her

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Day10-The Moment you knew DE would be endgame?
3x22 the flashback to them being the first ones that met the quote Damon told Elena that is what gave me the most hope
“You Want A Love That Consumes You, You Want Passion, Adventure And Even A Little Danger”

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Day - Favourite Road Trip || Their road trip to Georgia in 1x11

I adore their scenes this episode! They bonded and like Damon referred to it later on. They were having fun, there was no manipulations. It was just pure realness and bonding 😍

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favorite love declaration by elena...

has to be this one. forever iconic. her first time ever telling damon she loves him and his awed response and his little “come to me” and how excited she was. plus the music, don’t forget the music

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Day 22 fav Elena’s Love declaration? 4x23 That entire scene from Damon’s speech that ultimately led to Elena’s speech sealed with one of their mind blowing kisses was nothing but iconic

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Day 20 of Favorite Delena road trip?

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Day 2:
Favourite delena season and why?
Well deff s3 and s4 what an amazing time that was!!! I have so many memories and the fandom was my favorite thing at the time, we laughed we cried we truly lived ❤

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Day - Favourite Delena obstacle/antagonist they overcome || The Universe

Find me a pair that is such proven soulmates they literally fought the universe that wanted her with another guy&they won,You can't because my iconic babies are 1 of a kind

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Day 15 fav romantic scene? It’s almost impossible to pin point a particular scene when delena are the epitome of romance ..ok if i have to .. rain kiss scene .. Elena “promise this forever “ Damon “ I promise “

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Day 15: Is difficult to choose, they have many, but I lean a bit for the Delena Rain Kiss; the rain of stars, the rain, a bridge, a boat, lights in the background, a small lake, a promise of eternal love, the kiss and Delena’s love that is impressive. ❤️❤️❤️#30DayDelenaChallenge

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Most heartbreaking Delena scene

I know a lot of people say 05x22, but I was so sure he would be back and having a strong case of denial, that it didn't hit me till after.The most heartbreaking to me,was 06x01.Elena crying and halusinating Damon, all alone

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Day - Favourite Underrated Moment || When they fought over the covers in 3x08

This whole scene jumped out with the married material! He teased her, they fought over the covers till she gave up 😂, they talked about their day&he watched her sleep

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Day - The Moment I knew Delena would be endgame || Their Future talk and the kiss in 5x22

Tbh I was holding my breath the entirety of Season 5, but this talk let me release it, they were endgame, life didn't matter if they didn't have each other

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Day 8. I love all the songs, but my 3 favorites are:
Hunger ❤️
Take on the world 😁
Hold on 🔥
I'm still crying when I listen to them 👏

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