Quando Dio,per ragioni a noi sconosciute,vuole affrettare
le rovine del mondo,
ordina al Tempo di prestare la
sua falce all’uomo,e il Tempo
ci vede con orrore devastare in
un batter d’occhio ciò che avrebbe impiegato secoli per
ha preso la falce

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Died 30May1894, Laura Bell was a courtesan who bewitched the Nepalese Prime Minister and then later became an evangelist and worked w/William Gladstone to save London’s prostitutes. https://t.co/aJyZVDRNeq

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Reasons are Reasons - 30May2020
Personal vent, please do not ask what the text reads as I translated it twice so it wouldn't be so openly readable and some of the characters don't translate into Futhark regardless. In other words, I'm not going to translate for you. It's vent.

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