Day 29 - Youtube

Saw this video and its so interesting I hope there will be more cafes like this in future esp near where I live. It'd be fun experience plus extra point taking care of the world 🖤

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Day 24 - Switch off standby

Reminder for you to switch off anything not in use!😉

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Day 23 - Leftovers

Here's my fast meal with leftover chicken! Simple wrap with some lettuce, tomatoes, leftover chicken, bit of spice or mayo and done! 😋

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Day 16 - Movie time

I watched few documentaries and there's so many thoughts came after the whole documentary 🤔

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Day 12 - I choose donate!

In my family, we always donate our clothes that's no longer fits or unused to those who needed. For me I'd pass them down to my siblings first and if it's not their style then I'll donate to others 👌🏻

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Happy Monday! I hope everyone's Monday been great and wishing you great week ahead!

For day 4, the task is to do Trash Audit. Here's my output!

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