
Ate Ash suggested that we do Frozen today 💙🔹🔷I'm happy that we did great and enjoyed painting these studies🌟 Got the chance to draw the nook again! Ref by visdev artist, Anette Marnat !🔹🔹🔹

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I suggested we paint Greece today! Greece means a lot to me because of my love for Mamma Mia! So doing this, I enjoyed it very much! I'm happy that both of me and ate Ash enjoyed paintings of our studies together!

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Today we did Porco Rosso and When Marnie was there studies! Happy to bounce back since I wasn't happy with my studies yesterday >< Also proud to say I didn't extend that much this time hehe :>

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We did from up on poppy hill and whisper of the heart studies today! I wasn't able to finish both like I didn't get to add people and the bridge in the first one due to the time constraint and me having a hard time :( will make up tom!

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Ate Ashley suggested we should do some mountains. It was pretty challenging for me since the first one's a bit more detailed and it was harder for me to simplify it but I had so much fun painting these! Also, this makes me miss hiking.

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I suggested my favorite film!! Happy we enjoyed and learn at the same time <3 1st- 1hr since I'm not use to the details, 2nd- was fun and 3rd-55mins! I kept extending since I want to finish all paintings :>

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Ate Ashley suggested that we should do Japan today and boy, after giving references to each other, we wanted to have a fistfight match😂 Its the most challenging theme we did. took 50 mins on the first one.

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We decided to do some Amorsolo studies today :D But due to the time limit, I wasn't able to add the people in the paintings thus making them join in our quarantine >< I became both frustrated at paintings especially the right one-

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