Day 6: Invisible Kid

I basically merged the two Invisible Kids’ suits. The missing sleeve seems like a teen thing, plus plays into the invisibility theme. He’s a lizard because chameleons, but also it makes sense being invisible would help a colorful being.

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Day 3: Phantom Girl

Tried to play up the “phantom” aspect as much as possible. Also turned her P into a ghost because they don’t use the Roman alphabet on the future.

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Day 2: Triad (repost so it can be in the thread)

I didn’t do much for this one except take all my favorite parts from her previous designs and turn her skin green. My best contribution is probably Lorna’s braid, and I’m surprised it’s never been done before.

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Day 1, Part 1: Saturn Girl

She has a ceratopsian head to act as a satellite dish of sorts for her powers. She also has a mouth that can’t form human words, so she speaks psychically to the rest of the team. Her colors are a combo of old costumes.

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