Day 30 of 31: Killer

I think a lot about that drawing of Killer eating carrot sticks that Oda drew to explain how he eats...

Do you think eating stick-shaped food just becomes a force of habit after a while?

49 186

HERE we go!
Day 29 of 31: Heat

Don't be fooled... This photo was very cleverly timed and posed. This man cannot juggle. Please don't ask him to.

36 121

Day 28 of 31: Wire

I'll admit it. I like the new head spikes... even if he does look like a sea urchin.

26 112

Day 27 of 31: Haikei

Gotta make the fortress of solitude. It never fails.

18 107

Day 24 of 31: Crook Point
We got some good memories on this here bridge... though they better check where they're stepping or they'll definitely trip.

33 142

Day 22 of 31: Theater

It's important to support your local venues when you can.
... Emphasis on "when you can."

50 201

Day 21 of 31: Card Tricksters

Formulating the newest way to screw SOMEONE over...

27 124

Day 20 of 31: Rooster

Somebody better come to snuff that rooster...

19 101

Day 19 of 31: Nightclubbin'
I think the ceilings would be too low in most nightclubs for him...

29 102

Day 18 of 31: Bar

That's the confident look of a person who knows he's about to start some shit.

92 304

Day 15 of 31: Greetings!

With love, from a group of people you DEFINITELY don't want to see in your city.

41 175

Day 11 of 31: Table Manners

Please, thank you and your welcome 🎶

22 102

Day 10 of 31: Smoko

These are trained professionals. Please don't start smoking cigarettes at home. Thank you.

48 151