
110 833

Doodle was just Dooplicated!

motionvault used Very Common Dooplicator

🔍 https://t.co/aeo9LNuaHy
💻 https://t.co/2qIii0cYyA
🌈 https://t.co/9lu9zRYoVf

0 0

Ow! Ojisan Vol.2 BD in Oricon weekly top 10.
The estimated sales of both 1 and 2 of the discs(BD+DVD) totals to 3593!

Final Vol releases on Feb.22(two weeks from now) and I see no info about the last ep schedule:/
(Dropped a picture of Best girl for no particular reason)

1 4

BAYC3593 swept 2 Mutant Ape Yacht Club for Ξ26.878 ($33,641.85)

0 13

Bored Ape Solana Club has been purchased on Magic Eden! 👀

This awesome piece sold for 13.0 SOL ($566.28 💵)

Get realtime analytics at https://t.co/5JjAgPFpQB

6 12

💎 GEMSHOCK is only $3593 away from 40k!! How freaking incredible! Dale and I are beyond stoked! Huge thanks to everyone who has backed the project and to those who have been retweeting the campaign and helping us spread the word! I👀y'all!
⚡️ https://t.co/Vk7IxEjMH3

19 60

Yo, so we have all of this rn, but we just need voice actors rn
If interested DM HUGO#3593 or LtSazo#3785 if interested.
There's no pay, but you'll be credited

14 46

gm, nobody asked but here it is anyways :)

3593 is for sale - 165eth -or- $500,000
no mutations
+matching id dog - 175eth
+matching id dog + m1 serum - 190eth

will entertain trades for floor ape+mutants
may consider trades for mutants+eth

1 5

Additionally, check out twerking Euden in dgk3593's new model viewer update


11 27

UMs are talented part 2 🔥

Chibi Yuxin icons (cr: 52晴天hyuk3593)

43 174

講演会「ともに生きる社会をめざして~津久井やまゆり園で起きた事件の報道から考える~」講師:読売新聞大阪本社編集委員 原昌平氏 
日時:3月11日(土)午後2時~4時 場所:アイクロス湘南6階 

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