- round 10 (final)

Your prompt this round is - one last time before we part

Write a Scene or Dialogue

Thank you for a wonderful of the Challenge! See you in for our 3 year milestone! ~SW

5 16

- round 9

Your prompt this round is - in the moment / timeless sighs

Write a Scene or Dialogue

6 11

- round 8

Your prompt this round is - drifts of apple blossoms

Write a Scene or Dialogue

5 11

- round 7

Your prompt this round is - the sting of perception

Write a Scene or Dialogue

5 12

- round 6

Your prompt this round is - the memory of holding hands

Write a Scene or Dialogue

5 14

Cherry blossom and apple trees
The scents of summer caught on a breeze
Wildflower perfumes that hang in the air
All whisper memories of a time you were there

- R5

6 21

- round 5

Your prompt this round is - wildflower perfume

Write a Scene or Dialogue

6 12

- round 4

Your prompt this round is - supple shadows

Write a Scene or Dialogue

4 11

- round 3

Your prompt this round is - scattered sunlight

Write a Scene or Dialogue

3 10

- round 2

Your prompt this round is - lingering scent of

Write a Scene or Dialogue

4 11

- round 1

Your prompt this round is - waking up / early morning solitude

Write a Scene or Dialogue

7 13

It's almost time for another Challenge!

Join us Friday May 1 (6 pm CDT) and Saturday May 2 (10 am CDT) for the of your favorite monthly writing fun!

Thank you for all of the wonderful memories from the last 3 years, let's keep it going! ~SW

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