meet henry

big mountain of a man, ten feet tall, the leader of an organization that works in the shadows of a chain of islands, the embodiment of chaotic good

also ye he a massive himbo


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big bunny dude chestnut is in a very uwu mood


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another one of emile's crop tops
and it's quite fitting on him, figuratively and literally~


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was in a "charming merman" mood, so I introduce to you him
his name's azure


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the crabsona and his big octopi friend, jules
sometimes you just gotta have a big, strong octopus dude to sail the oceans with


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kune has six ears to brush
they're very soft to the touch so it's a nice part of his morning routine


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getting one more in before ends!

staghare flexes for tips~


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click REALLY got all that teef and more to spare


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solus is beaming
get it, 'cause he's a humanized sun


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I suddenly find saltshakers very compelling


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so apparently there's a beeg anteater in the new cuphead dlc

and he very much looks like a friend


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solus is the living embodiment of sunshine

get it? because he's a humanized sun~


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new-ish character I've been working on these past months

a personification of the sun, his name's solus


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emile's new shirt is good to have on while fishing--as he shows here


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emile's favorite shirt

well, actually, it only just counts as a shirt--but he's still comfy in it


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mermay might be over, but I still got many merfolk in the works

like this charmer here--his name's azure~


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