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Our mind,
Without end
Without beginning
Though it is born
Though it dies
The essence of emptiness

Ikkyu / 1394-1481

🎨Ivelina Vladimirova

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Bom Dia a todos!

"Painéis de São Vicente de Fora" (Políptico de São Vicente)
-Retrato de Henri Le Navigateur (1394-1460), Príncipe de
-Os cavaleiros com o fundador ajoelhado Pintura de Nuno Gonçalves, do século XV.
Museu Nacional de Arte Antiga

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My real dwelling has no pillars
And no roof either
So rain cannot soak it
And wind cannot blow it down

Ikkyu Sojun / 1394-1481

🎥 Tomás Sánchez

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