Fandom de ToA🗣️🗣️🗣️
Tentei fazer uma coisa kk

Do nada pensei : como será que Aja tarron ficaria de terninho?? 🤔
Então decidi desenhar kjkk
Não tá tão bom mas até que gostei do resultado 🥰

7 22

Clearing out the last of my fanart - this was based on the Gaylen Krel theory, one of my favorite theories to come from

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My favourite Akiridion- Krel!! hhhhh I love the Akiridion's designs so much, I could just draw 'em all day!

25 134

let me add star vs., she-ra and (since Wizards is up there too), trollhunters and 3below

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Algunos wips que he estado haciendo esta semana sobre Tales of Arcadia 😊💪🏻💪🏻#Trollhunters

19 51

Just gals being pals. And making a super awesome shadow staff that will one day do unspeakable evil. 😂❤️

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I dont know who need to hear this
But DreamWorks has a little Project on Netflix And it Really good
Tales of Arcadia series is a definite watch to any one on Netflix

Keep this up im loving the storys

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Gave my Trollhunters OC Rrradish some love these days since I got the time and binged through Wizards and 3Below

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"Hold on a sec, babe, I wanna take a pic!"
"Hm? Another one?"

Literally all his posts are just her 👽💙

57 258

Do I really have to pay people to see this? To all the people that I recommend, they pass my face,this is the case of, "don't judge a book by its cover", it's the same

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