Need to start shoving my Casperan family AU on twt lol. Angry and angsty zoe and then the sibs when they were younger.

7 33

I commissioned the amazing for these Christmas themed Jlaire!! They are gorgeous!!!! Thank you so much!!!

10 43

When I saw the drawing of Zoe that did (1st image) I knew immediately that I had to cosplay it. This art (and character) are 100% my cup of tea.

photos by

1 23

So I promised on twitter that I would draw evil!Douxie shirtless if my mutual won a poll for evil reasons. They won so here we are (in the future). I also drew Phos on the side cause he’s my new blorbo and love him.

3 13

Can you see me? I cannot see you
Everything I thought I knew has fallen out of view
In this blindness, I'm condemned to

19 104

Well, a couple of days ago gave us permission to share our pieces. This was mine, a bad ending type of illustration since I loved Troll Jim's corrupted design. ✨Seeing this again is kind of refreshing

27 118

Hace mucho que no subo algo de estos dos.
Un pirata y una sirena ladrona ¿Qué podría malir sal?

0 3

I wanted to do a little interaction/comparison of Nari and my own nature deity OC Nature Ren ‘cause I recognized some similarities and thought it’d be fun.

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