This was sooo hard to pick but here we go!

Hondo Ohnaka, Ahsoka Tano, and Bib Fortuna

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I can't begin to decide fav characters so imma do ships instead :)

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Sabine Wren, Chelli Lona Aphra, Darth Vader. Runner-ups were Rex, Fives, and Luke Skywalker

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Grand Master Luke Skywalker, who never gave up on his friends or the Jedi
Mara Jade Skywalker, who turned from darkness
Jaina Solo, who made the hard choices to save us.

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This is very hard, but I have to go with Luke Skywalker, Han Solo and Grand Admiral Thrawn.

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Porg with porg chicks, porg doing the war cry with Chewie and this porg. All porgs. Only porgs. Star Wars was nothing until porgs.

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