2019.8.10 秋葉原e-sports SQUAREにて開催 STREET FIGHTER Ⅲ 3rd STRIKE 3on3大会〖3rdMANIAX 夏の陣〗 ビジュアル担当いたしました 有難う御座いました

1098 3259


8 42

2019.5.18 Stunfest:STREETFIGHTERⅢ3rdSTRIKE 20th ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION team3v3 コンセプトアート描かせていただきました、有難う御座いました 

870 2329

I wasn't playing it twenty years ago, but I surely will, twenty years from now ! Happy birthday to THE fighting game, and much love to everyone playing 3rd Strike and supporting this great community !!

9 19


47 136

Happy birthday darling !
So much wonderful moments, so much inspiration, and so much beers drunk with the best community ever playing this absolute masterpiece ! Let's go for another 20 years !

43 116

ストリートファイターⅢ3rd strike 20周年おめでとうございます!!

100 214