五棘】クズ五のお話⚠かなり棘君かわいそうです!幸せな棘君だけを見たい人は見ないでください💦⚠五がしょうもないクズです!スパダリ先生しか認めん!って方も逃げてください!モブ多数出現! 343,344,345p

4 199

アイコン描いちゃうぞ 進捗



84 1060

五棘】クズ五のお話⚠かなり棘君かわいそうです!幸せな棘君だけを見たい人は見ないでください💦⚠五がしょうもないクズです!スパダリ先生しか認めん!って方も逃げてください! 244,245,246p

1 160

팔로워 모으러 왔습니다. 44,444까지만 채우고 작업에 전념하겠습니다.
(일 평균 작업시간 7분정도)

986 10057

SnakeHotWallet bought 4 The Captainz for Ξ23.519 ($44,082.42)

0 0

この本を読んでみてください: "チート薬師のスローライフ (9) (バンブーコミックス)"(ケンノジ, 春乃えり 著)https://t.co/mw4XvClouO


0 28

Embora com muitas oposições, o jovem casal continuou a se encontrar às escondidas.
Em 1344, o Rei D. Afonso IV mandou exilar Inês no Castelo de Albuquerque (na fronteira castelhana, atual Espanha) onde havia sido criada por sua tia. Porém, a distância não apagou a chama entre👇

3 10

HV-MTL 64 bought for Ξ24.5 ($44,518.70)
Avg Price: Ξ1.98


0 2

0x63e06 sold 60 BEANZ Official for Ξ80.400 ($144,455.48)

1 6

The webtoon <가족같은 XX / Like Family> Season 2 has return with 7 Episodes (44, 5 - 50)


32 206

Family Guy - Road to Rhode Island (season 2 episode 13 at 13:44, first aired on 2000-05-30)

0 6

Hoy, 27 de marzo, hace un año de la salida oficial del así como de la presentación del gear 5.

32 319

Ape has a new bid of 200.00 WETH (344,632.01 USD) on Opensea


2 18

GM to all 44,044 of you.

Thank you for being our friends, our champions, and our inspiration. You're all amazing. ⚡️🫶⚡️

20 166

How Zoey, Jenny and Clara Met Vector Pages 43, 44, 45 and 46 (By Catfan180)

0 2

Konnichiwa! MachiBigBrother here! Just sold 6 Mutant Ape Yacht Club for Ξ79.510 ($144,608.02)! Arigatou gozaimasu! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧

0 1

Ohayou, senpai! MrGhostMintFun-san just sold 6 Mutant Ape Yacht Club NFTs for Ξ79.570 ($144,297.01)! Sugoi! (✿◠‿◠)

0 2

I suppose this animation I did of Dave Strider and the Mayor since it currently has over 44,000 notes on tumblr lol, also my silly Homestuck comics, I had so much fun creating during that chapter of my life 💜 https://t.co/yB9sgbZhWq

2 32

L’enchaînement des chapitre 1043,1044,1045 je crois que l’histoire n’a jamais connu mieux !

102 974

Pera, ontem estava em 600, agora esta quase em 644, meu deus está acontecendo tudo muito rapido!!!

1 24