Funky Robot Specs: Ion: Vanadium; Posterior Head: Model Anterior Head: Model Optical Sensor: Type Audio Device: Build Antenna: Variant

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今更 を試すシリーズ


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Help DENGAKU sensitive

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Funky Robot Specs: Ion: Vanadium; Posterior Head: Model Anterior Head: Model Optical Sensor: Type Audio Device: Build Antenna: Variant

3 7

Elephants and dragons just don't get on....🐘🐉

BL Harley 3244; Bestiary; 13th century; England; f.39v
BnF MS Latin 6838B; anonymi tractatus de quadrupedibus, de avibus et de piscibus; 14th century; f.4v

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44; cherry didn't change his design because he wants to look like mario, well, partly. it's mainly because he doesn't like how he looks with the fire palette on

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Funky Robot Specs: Ion: Magnesium; Posterior Head: Model Anterior Head: Model Optical Sensor: Type Audio Device: Build Antenna: Variant

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daily capybara guest artist: zagreus capybara

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Funky Robot Specs: Ion: Manganese; Posterior Head: Model Anterior Head: Model Optical Sensor: Type Audio Device: Build Antenna: Variant

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The Vale of Wales, Chapter 10, Page 44; Woe to those who offend the Afanc's Queen...

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Daily 44; 5 minutes

Our new rescue gerbil bit me today

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Commission p !!
Espero q ce tenha gostado ;3; me esforcei bastante ;4444;

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The Vale of Wales, Chapter 9, Page 44; Fun Fact: Penrhyn Gŵyr is the Welsh spelling of the Gŵyr Peninsula, a dwelling place for the little Verry Volk. In VOW, Verry Volk & the Plant Rhys Ddwfn aka the Children of Rhys the Deep (or Wise) are 2 of several Elf (or 'Ellyl') tribes.

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Raúl Anguiano, artista mexicano. Naturaleza muerta con membrillo, 1944; óleo sobre tela, 100 x 70 cm. Fuente: Arte Moderno de México.

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day 44; no birthday today! like at all

here's a reminder for you to take care of yourself in this trying time

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