コミック 3


0 6

Itsuki bought for 0.09 ETH (101.11 USD) by Archimicia from 0x266507 https://t.co/lnag8ymdpC

0 4

Itsuki bought for 0.07 ETH (73.19 USD) by 0x266507 from 0xfe9cb1 https://t.co/lnag8ymdpC

0 0

CryptoHippo has been sold for 0.055Ξ ($66.14) https://t.co/ENqmQ1xkKs

1 3

CyberKong was adopted for
2.9 $ETH on Opensea


2 9

aaaaaaaaaaaa this is SO cute (⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)
art is by @/haru4486g 🤍🤍

14 112

[HaniPre Fes]

5☆ The Sunny Smile of a One Day Teacher (Hiyori Suzumi)

Max Stats:
Rhythm: 4486
Technique: 4141
Groove: 3878

Max Skill: You Draw Really Well!
For every 6.5 seconds, there is a 40% chance to increase your combo bonus by 41% for 5.5 seconds. (1/2)

15 58

💖 Hunny 4486 💜
just sold for 0.08 ETH ($141.56)


1 19

Snowy Santa Hat YCH for 10 USD!!
any species and any gender!
complicated designs are $2 extra!

paypal preferred! venmo or cashapp is fine too!
DM here or my discord: peachy puffy#4486
rts appreciated ❤️

2 11

21 忠犬はちこ🐕
22 なんだろ...
23 最近見たのだとオッドタクシー🚕
24 offにしててわかんない
25 いいよ
26 負けず嫌い
27 お歌全部 https://t.co/Uu2B6ZRIYc
28 登録4486人 フォロワー5811人🎀
29 1種類
30 企画...難しい....😵‍💫

0 7