ภาค1 - romance dawn (1-4)
ภาค2 - orange town (4-8)
ภาค3 - syrup village (9-18)
ภาค4 - baratie (19-30)
ภาค5 - arlong park (31-44)
ภาค6 - loguetown (45,48-53)
ภาค7 - reverse mountain (62-63)
ภาค8 - whisky peak (64-67)
ภาค9 - little garden (70-77)
ภาค10 - drum island (78-91)

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ここにぼくの手があります。白色皮膚描記症(white dermographism)と思います。刺激部位が白くなります。アトピー性皮膚炎患者さんなどに見られますが通常健常者には見られません(J Dermatol Sci. 1996;11:148-53)。どうして・・

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Butterflies in the park, and elsewhere: Surinaamsche vlinders : naar het leven geteekend = Papillons de Surinam dessinés d'après nature, by Jan Sepp.....BHL/Smithsonian, 1848-53........https://t.co/24MQYFjGVs

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The turning point.

Who's The Boss?

Written by Robert Kirkman
Pencils and Inks by Ryan Ottley
Colors by Bill Crabtree
Colors by FCO Placencia
Letters by Rus Wooton

Collects issues

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Two Cape Cod Views: 'Clam Diggers, Cape Cod', and 'Oyster Houses, Wellfleet', Clare Veronica Hope Leighton, wood engravings on paper, 1946 and 1948-53 respectively.

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48-53 summed up in a sentence: How in the hell is Ryuken NOT played by Kohei Miyauchi? I keep thinking these cast guides have it all wrong but I'll be damned. Guess I'll have to settle for every other old man voice.

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headshots 48-53!! 💖

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