I need help finding info about something that may be lost media

I remember 4KidsTV ran commercials for an election and one of the candidates was Furgy The Fudgehog. This was around 2008, and I can't find ANY info about it

Any info you can find or may remember would help a TON

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Wake up babe released a new gator.

Don't worry I 4kidstvd this image, hes actually consuming a lolipop like sanji

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I will be binging Winx today as soon as I get off work and not to judge a book by its cover, but the 8-year-old me who got up at 8am on Saturdays to watch Winx Club on 4KidsTV and play with her Alfea castle will probably be complaining about it.

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You worked for and voiced Ash in pokemon during my childhood ❤️💯 I'm eternally grateful to you for making my childhood awesome 😁. I'm the creator of Kasaka 🙏🏾 I hope you can give your support Veronica 👑

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