🌟Request for 4thdoctorjellybabies on Tumblr🌟

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is the Doctor!

Extremely late to the party, I know, but I’ve finished this image of our upcoming fourteenth Doctor, as well as a very very very vibrant redress of the TARDIS! 🎨

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My drawing of David Tennant, as seen on the set of the Doctor Who 60th Anniversary episode.
Check out my Insta art account: https://t.co/PcHrlra9Sl

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❤❤+🟦 14

Acrylic paint and gold pen on a 12 × 10 inch canvas board.
Prints are available from my Etsy shop:

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And of course the textless artwork for the box set - The Fourth Doctor Adventures - Series 11: Vol 2 “The Nine” out in June from

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Made a lil 4th doctor Pixel Art for my friend for this lego art set thing he has

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Kuroo as 10th Doctor
Shirofuku, Akaashi and Bokuto as companions
No t-rexes were harmed 🦖👌

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Requests I did on

Cowboy Adric (4thDoctorJellyBabies)
Meg Griffin (Delight28)

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My first for while, the 4th Doctor or sombre Tom from season 18

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Remembering MARY TAMM


& loved by many for her portrayal as alongside as the first onscreen incarnation of the assistant in

of in style by TDO

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Fun fact, I wrote a letter to Tom Baker and have his autograph and a nice little message from him on my desk.

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Old fanart that I drew for a challenge.
In a few days I will share a new fanart. I hope you like it

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