Pupredator sit perfectly still beneath the water’s surface. The thick carapace they develop when evolving limits their movement capabilities, but their retracted claws move at lightning speed, making them master ambush predators.

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Undymph live in still, stagnant waters that other water Pokémon find completely unliveable. They have a voracious appetite, constantly hunting food to give them the energy needed to evolve.

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Day 11: route one bug type B.
Undymph > Pupredator > Vampito.
Based loosely on the life stages of the tiger mosquito.

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Adolescant share the colonies with young Grubino, they can create a strong silk, which they use to construct and repair the colony. They cover themselves in silk structures decorated in leaves and petals to camouflage themselves while they sleep.

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Grubino live in large colonies guarded by hundreds of Guardiants, they encase themselves in a thin shell made of silk, mud and a strange gel they secrete which protects them from various germs, as they’re fairly fragile when they’re young.

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day 10, route 1 bug types A.
Based these ones off of weaver ants.
Grubino > Adolescant then into Guardiant if male or Arboroyal if female. The third stage forms were slightly inspired by the queen of hearts and her guards from Alice in wonderland.

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Loxeron are known to be predictors of approaching rain storms as they use heavy rain as a cover when standing for long periods in lakes and rivers hunting. They use their signature “fulgur peck” attack to stun their prey before flying off with them

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Loxawk have extremely powerful eyesight, they can spot fish Pokémon, their favourite prey, from over a mile away.

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Loxinch like to make their nests inside of old trees that have been struck by lightning. No body is quite sure why, some scientists think it’s because the smell of charred wood puts predators off

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Route 1 flying type.
Loxinch > Loxawk > Loxeron.
Loosely based on the St. Lucian Bullfinch, Broad-winged Hawk and Yellow-crowned Night Heron.

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Marsuperb will hide various trinkets inside its large fur coat, when they see lost Impossum or other baby Pokémon, they’re natural parental nature kicks in and they’ll try to hide them in their coat for protection.

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Impossum hang around the outskirts of small towns looking for scraps they can steal when no one is looking. They’re mostly nocturnal and when caught out in the daylight, they’d rather play dead than fight.

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Day 8: route 1 normal type.
Based these two on St. Lucian opossums cause they’re cute scramble boys... also was thinking about Pawpaw from because he’s the best animal companion in anything lol.

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day 7: early game dark type.
Based these off the idea of wild pigs that live in St. Lucia.

Truffig spend most of their time rummaging around the undergrowth looking for mushrooms to eat, because of this they’re immune to spore based Pokémon attacks.

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I think Crabbsant, is my favourite lol

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Ok I’m clearly gonna redraw all three at this point. At least I’ve got a head start haha https://t.co/76E7vp99T2

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Might do some more work on the fire starter. But at least that gives me concepts to build on for my region in October

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