Hi I'm Tomoe !
I'm 21, you can bother me everyday I work from 3pm-10:30pm est, I'd love to play games offline, Add me on discord - TomoeTheNeko ASMR#5765
You can have every cookie in the book, Even my Ice Cream !

0 11

New Smart Ape Yacht Club Official Sale!
Price: 0.02Ξ ($25.27)


0 6

New Smart Ape Yacht Club Official Sale!
Price: 0.01Ξ ($12.01)
Buyer: CryptoFans


0 0

Iv been hearing a lot about Twitter and how it might shutdown, if it does I want u all to know that I will always appreciate your support and that my discord dms are always open
Discord-TomoeTheNeko ASMR#5765

I'll always be available nya

6 85

Cool Cats NFT 5765 bought for Ξ9 ($14,298.84)
Avg Price: Ξ2.60
Rare Traits:
hats: bucket hat blue - 0.76%
shirt: buttondown tan - 1.86%


0 10

Dooplicator was just bought on OpenSea for 1.07 ETH by 0x91c...CCD2


0 0

Mutant Ape# 946
Rarity: 120
1 minted for 2.0 $ETC ($43.14 USD)
Gas: 0.000253214 ETC ($0.00546 USD)
5765 of 10000 minted
Total Holders: 441 addresses

3 11

📈 bought Monster Ape - Monster Ape Club | MAC for $37.7K (~12.0 ETH)


0 0

just bought this lion for 5765 gibberydoogoo coin and some MONSTER right clicked it!!! what the frick! my wife's boyfriend will be mad i wasted his money and won't let me play on my switch tonight

51 554


13 45

_Habib Umar Bin Hafidz-
For order & more info:e-mail : erickariza.art.com
whatsapp : 0812 8300 5765

0 1