Dear Brain,
Whatever it takes to wake you. The story deserves our time.
xox, me
Happy wake-up call,

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Last night, I drove home in THIS. This morning, I woke up to THAT for Crazy weather. Snow-melts-snow-melts... There was no snow b4 this blinding squall (my daughter took the photo—I don’t touch my phone while driving). Will we have a white Christmas?

0 29

Meh. Some mornings are just more productive than others. Got a late start & it’s really cold this morning, 🥶🥶🥶 Will need to find a pocket of better & time later in the day.

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Grumble, grumble, grumble... over sleeping. Grumble, grumble, grumble... late for Grumble, grumble, grumble... coffee. It’s time to shine!

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This week it’s all about FOCUS, FOCUS, FOCUS... and Checking in for Working on this fantasy. Adjusted goal = querying by May! Let’s do this!

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Cue the choir—It is Friday, Hallelujah! Late again for I’m fighting off a cold. I WILL NOT FALL! I’m ready for some weekend and 😊

1 26

Good morning, I’m just checking in, because I’ve been dragging this morning. Traveled for work yesterday + plus sore from the gym, but the words call!

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Vivid dreams last night. Doing a little idea generating & journaling this morning for When & where do you come up with your best ideas? How do you log & keep track of them?

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Windswept skies over Barnet, Wrapping up this session of Let the day begin! Keep pushing forward. Never give up!

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Hello, autumn! Chilly little session this morning for Amazing how the New England weather shifts. Happy Monday! Time to get focused and set some goals for the week, but first—coffee!

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