This is my Felix art used for a recent promo card for the upcoming "Felix Da Kat: OG" trading card set from 5Finity...
I also did the background and colors for a 2nd card (I'll put it in the comments below)...
I love this character ! lol

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This is my Felix art used for a recent promo card for the upcoming "Felix Da Kat: OG" trading card set from 5Finity...
I also did the background and colors for a 2nd card (I'll put it in the comments below)...
I love this character ! lol

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This is my Felix art used for a recent promo card for the upcoming "Felix Da Kat: OG" trading card set from 5Finity...
I also did the background and colors for a 2nd card (I'll put it in the comments below)...
I love this character ! lol

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I was asked to be on sketch cards from I was told that I can draw anything I want, so I went with a series of girls in Kimono.

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I’m looking for some reliable female skewing artists for my Catgirls vs Bunnygirls set with 5finity. The set is about cute catgirls and bunnygirls competing for who is cutest. Please email me at zorilita at gmail dot com

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Finished color sketch cards. These are "Monster Girls", "Vampirella" and "Feline Persuasion" card series from 5finity.

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Vampirella Sketch Cards for 5Finity. Since I just received a pack of new brushes that has water container in its handle, I figure this would be a great time to try them out.

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Six card puzzle for the Moonstone set featuring Captain Action from 5Finity.

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