Thanks for a fun stream, looking at everyone's Draw Jam posts, and Drawing Requests! All art sent, see you Thursday 10amEDT!!! Goodnight

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Chat wanted a squirrel but I can't draw one so I gave them a squirrel girl instead 😅

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from chat 'mouse with cheese'

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Sketched this after I saw beautiful paintings.

[nonohara inspired]

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inspired by yesterday's trolls by


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Morning! Have a good week, everyone.


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I need a walk in the nature. It's been so long.


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Sometimes it's good to force yourself to do something.

[a sketch against IdontWantToNess]

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Starting to miss doodling from life :D

[silent observation of the inside]

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Can be a non-motif too? :D I have a feeling towards the motif of non-motif.

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And so first one of the new year is also a building sketch :)



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Last scanned of the year so I framed it :D


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Long time no
This is a memory from just before Christmas.

[(going) for the Christmas Tree]

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Who still remembers my weird houses sketches? I almost forgot so here's to the good memories.


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Have a good day!

[vegetable sellers
day by day in the cold]

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