Azuki sold for 14.50 ETH ($19,295.44)

Previously sold for 9.20 ETH ($12,246.03)
Floor Price: 11.5

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Itsuki bought for 0.04 ETH (43.91 USD) by paulrus from 0x6e0180

0 0

Mutant Apes: 3375 6034 4171 9936
Rarity: 264 42 6207 2776
5 minted for 10.0 $ETC ($222.90 USD)
Gas: 0.000918174 ETC ($0.02047 USD)
7357 of 10000 minted
Total Holders: 516 addresses

2 5

Gutter Clone - another arcade cabinet added to the collection :)

2 16

二次創作の世界でくらい、推しと並ん…【#ピグパ ID:PU-1580-6034】(▶︎から投稿

0 3

ミラティブでちょこちょこ配信してたマークスとジョージがようやく書き…【#ピグパ ID:PU-1580-6034】(▶︎から投稿

0 3

Event SR (4th Anniversary): “Reach 4 the Dream!” - Amami Haruka
Highest Stat: Vocal (6034)
Skill: "Dream Princess” - Every 11 seconds, there is a 40% chance that Perfect note scores will increase by 24% for 6 seconds

4 13

Event SR (4th Anniversary): “Reach 4 the Dream!” - Kousaka Umi
Highest Stat: Dance (6034)
Skill: "Dream Princess” - Every 10 seconds, there is a 40% chance that Perfect note scores will increase by 24% for 5 seconds

9 17

Hmmmmm 001 Spoilers ?!
(édite by Wahoo#6034)

3 37

never had any illustration for my oc ( Its not aqw related but I don't have any reference and I can't draw so I used item to which I think he would look like ) I hope I'll get lucky for the 6034th time

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