I have to admit, I was hoping for a different ending to this tale. However, what did happened warmed my heart and made a lot of sense. Sometimes love doesn’t last. And sometimes you can still be truly surprised.

0 1

It gets a bad rap, but it’s MILES better than its predecessor, superior in every way. THE WOLVERINE stands as one of the best of Fox’s films, a character study in honor, duty, and living life no matter how difficult it is.

0 4

She’s been a damsel in distress, Captain Britain, a member of the , a Japanese ninja, dead (a few times!), a leader, and back to Captain Britain again. But above all Betsy Braddock is relentless, a fighter in all forms, a warrior who values the fight above all.

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002 - Y1 Creator: Steve Ditko

Stan & Jack will get their due, but when else will we be able to celebrate Steve Ditko drawing the first ever X-Men guest appearance in Tales of Suspense in which radiation somehow turns Angel evil briefly?

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Some housekeeping: I am grouping each year by on-sale date (vs. cover date) as listed on Mike's Amazing World. And I am limiting candidates for the categories in each year to books with "X-Men" in the title, or direct guest appearances of X-Men (NOT every spinoff).

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