I just swept another common dooplicator - floor 1.48e - 55/2069 listed - 20 sales for 2e+

Very common dooplicators floor 1.07e - 333/6189 listed - 50 sales needed for 1.3e

You do the math.

1 39

Pepe stands in solidarity with the millions of women fighting for freedom in Iran.
This picture is based on Onigiri Pepe

3 10








38 126

ABC has been purchased on Magic Eden! 🔥

This rad piece sold for 80.0 SOL ($2840.8 💵)

Get realtime analytics at https://t.co/V8brK3e9yn

41 224

Nature is an economy, and every tree is an investor in that economy. Be the change you want to see in the world.

6 47

Can we go back to bed please?🥺

🎨~ @/lavender_6189

10 105

. 's Ape 6189 (appeared in their commercial):
-1 of 1 clothes+eyes combo (245 apes have a 1 of 2 or better clothes+eyes combo)
-top 4 traits are all 2.55% or better rarity (163 apes have that)
-1 sibling ape (5-trait match): Ape 6559

0 0

Permanent SR: “MILLION LIVE CONFERENCE!” - Akizuki Ritsuko
Highest Stat: Visual (6189)
Skill: "Comfortable Sleeping Manner” - Every 11 seconds, there is a 40% chance that Perfect note scores will increase by 26% for 6 seconds

18 41

✨new commissions now open!

♡ usd
♡ paypal/venmo
♡ DM
* twitter
* instagram: eenryo
* discord: mirai#6189

17 24

きょうの妖怪 通算6189体目【赤飛行魔】忠太デザインの画像妖怪のなかより。空中戦のオニもういっぽうの群れ。https://t.co/LwogrTRTSd

4 3