"Grim welcome to the psychoverse

Character: Grim
Emotion: Love
Skin: Ash Mushroom
Eyes: Hypno Red/Blue
Nose: Slugger Red
Mouth: Blue
Mouth Creature: Mrs. Lips OG Blue


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の--arまたは--aspectオプションを使うと縦横比をnoteの記事見出し画像に合わせられる(Max Upscaleすると比率だけでなく実際のサイズもそうなる)。たとえば、
"repeated patterns of kawaii baloon --aspect 1280:670"

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Tea pot, London, 1670-1671

"This Siluer tea Pott was presented to ye Com[mi]tte[e] / of ye East India Cumpany by ye Right Honou[rabl]e / George Lord Berkeley of Berkeley Castle / A member of that Honourable & worthy Society & A True Hearty Louer of them 1670"

(V&A Museum)

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