First time drawing a Phantump- Opinions?

(Posted by SuperPokemaster7256:

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きょうの妖怪 通算7256体目【おんば】ひと晩で刀を100本出来上がったら、美しい姫を寄越せ。――と挑んで来た山姥。

9 21

DEGEN ALERT! TOONZ bought for 0.95 ETH by Erz_h from MrBenjiB

2 11

New Smart Ape Yacht Club Official Sale!
Price: 0.02Ξ ($22.27)
Buyer: Corbzzz

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DEGEN ALERT! TOONZ bought for 0.75 ETH by MrBenjiB from NFTinitcom_Asuna

1 20

DEGEN ALERT! TOONZ bought for 0.59 ETH by NFTinitcom_Asuna from -SubZero-

1 1

Funky Robot Specs: Ion: Vanadium; Posterior Head: Model Anterior Head: Model Optical Sensor: Type Audio Device: Build Antenna: Variant

3 7

Another Killer piece from on my Alien Fren

What do you guys think?


6 35

💥TOP NEWS💥Collector sells for $513,000 less than they paid for it NFT collector onekiller purchased Bored Ape for 188 ETH a month ago—at the time worth about $513,000. On June 1, they sold the ape for .088 ETH, or $161!Most likely a listing error A BIG ONE😳

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Heyoooo !! Voici un exemple de request que je propose !! C'est des sketch coloré :3.
Voici Loc de mon amants arcanien de mes insomnies.
Donc si vous êtes intéressé hésitez pas en m'envoyer un message sur discord : Yoruru#7256

2 5

Seems like the ground is rumbling this fine morning in the NFT world 👀

So let’s do a “lil” giveaway ourselves 😛

1️⃣Like this post
2️⃣Follow and
3️⃣RT and tag someone that needs a Ninja in their life ❤️

Winner gets ALPACA and Ninja 🤩

1202 1457

8月4日(日)ピアニストはらかなこちゃんとハーモニカ奏者 倉井夏樹くんとの初ライブ!『日本語の歌 集めました』午後1時スタート!お子様連れでも大丈夫♪誰もが知る日本の唱歌やポピュラーソングをお届けします。


11 29

HANSA ハンサ ぬいぐるみ<BR>7256 タヌキ RACCOON DOG [楽天]

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