Limited SR: "Fall Colored Pastime" - Akizuki Ritsuko
Highest Stat: Dance (7367)
Skill - "Smile Changing Color" - Every 11 seconds, there is a 40% chance Perfect notes' score will increase by 26% for 6 seconds.

10 33

1位(RT1847/Fav7367): (ebihurya332)
2位(RT288/Fav1043): (8PBVPXUc55VtHdQ)
3位(RT185/Fav684): (hizaka12)
4位(RT132/Fav616): (siroimakeinu831)

0 0

Mutant Ape# 5099
Rarity: 434
1 minted for 2.0 $ETC ($44.86 USD)
Gas: 0.000236137 ETC ($0.00530 USD)
7367 of 10000 minted
Total Holders: 517 addresses

3 11

Let's see closer every Fungi representative and it's 👁️

Fourth pair:
✨Basket Fungi (0.09 Eth)
✨Rare Basket Fungi

Can you spot the symbol on this one? ♦️

0 17

Let's see closer every Fungi representative and it's 👁️

Third pair:
✨Inkcap (0.145 Eth)
✨Rare Inkcap (no price)

Can you spot the symbol on this one? 🕵️‍♀️🔎

1 19

Anubians and were sold for 9400 HTR today!

Gods combined with rare right hand attributes are the holy grail so it seems.

$anu $htr

4 17


5 14


0 0