きょうの妖怪 通算7494体目【転生の木】7月は山田野理夫生誕101周年記念月間なスペシャルを継続中です。しんだひとを転生させるためには、遺骸を埋めた上に植物をたてて、たましいを一旦それに宿らせないとイケナイという理論。https://t.co/qkR2po91vg

5 13

DEGEN ALERT! TOONZ bought for 2.00 ETH by 0xSephirothY from shouston3 https://t.co/JHUF4nrJ6O

2 12

Mutant Apes: 7494 3760 8590 4687
Rarity: 4771 1999 3072 8895
5 minted for 10.0 $ETC ($216.80 USD)
Gas: 0.000918531 ETC ($0.01991 USD)
9422 of 10000 minted
Total Holders: 589 addresses

1 1

DEGEN ALERT! TOONZ bought for 2.10 ETH (6,262.58 USD) by blockbyt from drdabber https://t.co/zj4051WZpL

2 15

yes- I liked something for once after 7494 years :D Im still trynna see what I can do with my unclear art style

0 0