Today's character for the project is Amelia!

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Easter marks the end of my Project! I hope it was helpful to someone out there, but even if it wasn't, I still had a lot of fun with it. But anyway, this project has been kind of a self-reflection, so... Thanks for listening! It means a lot.

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“What’s so hard about accepting other people? Doesn’t it feel great to be accepted by others?”

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“Being surrounded by people is a lot of fun, but it’s always those one-on-one moments that are most meaningful.”

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“It’s that person that includes you and talks to you like you belong. Not the one who tries to prove that they’re better by saying things like “wow, you sure are quiet.”

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"Don’t let someone else take control of your life. It’s your life, not theirs. You make the decisions."

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“Life shouldn’t always be a contest. It’s important to take some time for yourself instead of constantly competing to who can be at the top.”

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“There’s always this urge to reconnect with close friends from the past. But people change, their lives change, and you can’t always connect the same ways you used to at that point in time.”

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