has some crossover with

1) Stores named "Cloud's Shop" and "Johnny's Shop" are in Esthar.

2) Fujin and Raijin were going to be Turks.

3) My favorite: Zell's Duel Attacks include Meteor Barret, My Final Heaven, and Dolphin Blow 🐬🥊!

(Flurry in

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Bizarro and Safer were mistranslated! 😆

They should be Rebirth and either Sefer or Seraph Sephiroth.

The idea is Jenova
(birth, life, death)

Merges with Sephiroth causing him to be REBORN as an ANGEL.

Another intention lost in translation. 😏

19 122

Every magician has a color to their magic that is unique to them! What color is your magic?

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Magicians use a special item to focus energy for their transformation. What's your?

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