"why does leonard smiles so much in your comic?"

idk, I don't think he's a typical cool-prince yaoiseme.

Like K*lly from 0/083, I think he's just a smile-friendly guy (especially to his comrades) but takes his job veeeeery seriously he gets mistaken as "cold-hearted" I guess

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like for example thunderb0lt or rebellion 083, they have minimal tones shading but their lineworks always pops out

maybe I need to be less sterile with lineart like making it more doodly.

My gripes on my own linework is, they look too digital-clean :(

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hot space cowboys vs gundam 0083,
my first foray into CSP lul

0 5


4 161


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4 129

한눈에 보자 서코인포!
8월서코 양일참가 A83,84 양갱()님과 함께합니다.

52 171


4 148

◤㊗初の興行収入100億円突破 &


特大ヒットを祝して、#青山剛昌 先生の


70682 201760


Thank you so so much 🙏

* Right mouse button to toggle the atmosphere or shield around the planet.

** The features are not displaying on the iteration page, I'm trying to sort it out with fxhash.

0 1

"Se necessario, dipingerei anche con il sedere"
🎨 Jean-Honoré Fragonard - La lettera d'amore (anni '70 del XVIII sec.).
Olio su tela: 83,2 # 67 cm. Metropolitan Museum of Art , New York

3 8

AZUKI sold for 100.69 ETH (183,960.37$) on Blur



3 36

El primer trabajo de no era fontanero, sino carpintero y fue en 1983, con el juego Mario Bros, cuando decidieron cambiar su profesión a fontanero debido a que mucha parte de la acción ocurre en escenarios subterráneos.

0 1

毎日1ポケ 83,84日目

0 2

阿瑪–代號8 a83



8 a83,四位夏克帝國公主的代理人,所以公主們的事情會經常從8 a83口中聽見,同族人經常稱她為阿瑪小姐,現在較常與司徒龍錦共事。

0 2

Mark Catesby was born 1683, & illustrator of ‘The natural history of Carolina, Florida and the Bahama Islands’ (publ. 1731-1743), it remained an authority on American natural history for over 100 years!
Do take a look at our for more: https://t.co/cJJAJot26n

4 19

Days of 2022, continued (181, 182, 183, 184/200)

1 6

📚 40 ans après sa publication au Japon en 1983, LE VOYAGE DE SHUNA, l'épopée manga signée Hayao Miyazaki, s'apprête enfin à sortir en France ! Cette (monumentale) pépite à l'aquarelle va paraître chez Sarbacane le 1er novembre. Plus que 239 jours à attendre... ⏳

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