
CVG No.81/8807

1 55

A couple of hours ago, BAYC was swapped for 3 MAYC, 4 BAKC, and 1 Murakami Flower on NFT Trader. Who got the better deal here? 👀👀👀

Tx hash: 0x07126bb21db892d9d2dedaf4854ba7be010bf13ca1e0d25d5185aa4cd30f2288

2 5

Mutant Ape# 107
Rarity: 8807
Sold for 2.5 $ETC ($100.95 USD)
Gas: 0.000243276 ETC ($0.00982 USD)

2 17

Mutant Apes: 9528 3588 3673 3350
Rarity: 285 9754 1740 3433
5 minted for 10.0 $ETC ($225.10 USD)
Gas: 0.000918531 ETC ($0.02068 USD)
8807 of 10000 minted
Total Holders: 577 addresses

1 13

4th purchase today, probs nothin 🦧

Welcome 114.2069 ETH / $224,000

56 713