MetaSamurai - THE 12 ZODIAC has just sold for 1.78 ETH ($2,883.60 USD)

From: 0xcdc3
To: 0xa9de

2 13

[작가] 오늘은 프랑스의 화가 『피에르 오귀스트 코트 (Pierre Auguste Cot)』가 태어난 날입니다.
1837.02.17 - 1883.08.02
● Artist CV:

0 0

🔥 CryptoPunk listed for 942 ETH ($1,460,241) by niftynaut.eth at 7% premium (DeepNFTValue: 883.6 ETH).

3 15

Doodle was just Dooplicated!

0x1883...41de used Very Common Dooplicator


0 0

[작가] 오늘은 프랑스의 화가. 판화가 『구스타브 도레 (Gustave Dore)』가 태어난 날 입니다.
1832.01.06 - 1883.01.23
● Artist CV:

19세기 중반의 가장 저명한 프랑스 삽화가. 도레는 평생 동안 1만 점 이상의 판화를 제작했고, 200권 이상의 책에 삽화를 그렸다.

0 0

It been a while since I checked in on my Rorschach Algorithm Beasts from Here is the current evolution of 883...

Roughly 9 months have past between these stages 👀

7 24

🔥 Top Volume Growth (24 hours)

1️⃣ ORI by James Merrill
+883.5% ┃ 294 ETH

2️⃣ Project NANOPASS ()
+793.5% ┃ 34 ETH

3️⃣ Mutant Hound Collars
+787.8% ┃ 275 ETH

4️⃣ CW Females ()
+615.5% ┃ 61 ETH

1 2

New Creepz Sale!
Price: 2.20Ξ ($2,883.72)
Buyer: Clintzilla
Cold Blooded Creepz

1 9

Have just found out that the Chain Pier at Brighton had a camera obscura for at least part of the nineteenth century. It must have revealed some amazing panoramas and views of the seafront!

🖼️ John Fraser, 'Chain Pier, Brighton', 1883.

4 33

"El Krakatoa", además de ser el grito del capitán magma, es un volcán que produjo una de las explosiones más poderosas registradas en la era moderna en el año de 1883. Fue tan potente que logró destruir el 70% de la isla de Rakata, en donde se encontraba.

21 158

CryptoPunk sold for 69.00 ETH ($89,510.25)

Previously sold for 26.90 ETH ($34,883.92)
Floor Price: 65.99

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Oedipus curses his son Polynices – Gaston Charpentier-Bosio, 1883.

38 260