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February 9, 1896: Peruvian painter Alberto Vargas, one of the world's greatest pin-up artists, is born.
"What is more beautiful than a beautiful girl?" #Vargas
Happy 127th Birthday, Alberto! https://t.co/MeFyhbG6zG 🖌️🖼️🎨
Post #896: Sakata Nemuno by いに
Artist's pixiv: https://t.co/z8oTpmyx5G
iPhone FaceID搭載モデル
#prompt no. 896: abysmal
Take inspiration from the prompt, write a terrifying tweet and tag your work with #horrorprompt & #vsshorror.
Thanks to @NarlenBrando for today's prompt!
📸 @hullabaloo22
Post №3896: https://t.co/8pxP2USJ0h
Source: https://t.co/9pxaZONkul
Artist: killian_Idiot
February 17, 1896: A.E. Waite rejoined the Outer Order of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. He had previously joined in 1891, but withdrew in 1893.
Portrait by Travis Simpkins
#AEWaite #ArthurEdwardWaite #HermeticOrderOfTheGoldenDawn #Magick #Qabalah
February 9, 1896: Peruvian painter Alberto Vargas, one of the world's greatest pin-up artists, is born.
"What is more beautiful than a beautiful girl?" #Vargas
Happy 126th Birthday, Alberto! https://t.co/MeFyhbG6zG 🖌️🖼️🎨
February 7, 1896: Leon M. Abbott joined the Scottish Rite, receiving the 4th to 14th degrees in the Valley of Boston.
Portrait by Travis Simpkins
#LeonAbbott #GrandMaster #GrandLodgeOfMassachusetts #MassachusettsFreemasons #ValleyOfBoston #ScottishRiteNMJ
October 29, 1896: S.L. MacGregor Mathers issued a pronunciamento demanding all Golden Dawn members sign and return an oath of loyalty, recognizing him as the supreme ruler of the Order. Those who refused would face expulsion.
Portrait by Travis Simpkins
#TheVictorianBookoftheDead What the Cemetery Superintendent Sees: 1896: Flower Thieves, Grave Charms, Grief Arithmetically Measured, Repentance and Black Stockings, Is the Grave Secure?
#Otd 1896: 1st x-ray taken in Ireland in De La Salle College in #Waterford city, by Michael Francis O’Reilly/Brother Potamian (discovered by German Wilhelm Röntgen). Born in #Bailieborough Co #Cavan in 1847 in Famine so emigrated. Entered Jesuit Novitiate in Montreal, Canada.🏥
February 28, 1896: Leon M. Abbott received the 15th through 32nd Degrees in the Scottish Rite Valley of Boston. @ScottishRiteNMJ @ValleyofBoston
He went on to serve as Sovereign Grand Commander of the Scottish Rite, NMJ from 1921 -1932.
Portrait by Travis Simpkins
February 9, 1896: Peruvian painter Alberto Vargas, one of the world's greatest pin-up artists, is born.
"What is more beautiful than a beautiful girl?" #Vargas
Happy 125th Birthday, Alberto! https://t.co/MeFyhbX9BG 🖌️🎨💋
#Otd 1896: 1st x-ray taken in Ireland in De La Salle College in #Waterford city, by Michael Francis O’Reilly/Brother Potamian (discovered by German Wilhelm Röntgen). Born in #Bailieborough Co #Cavan in 1847 in Famine so emigrated. Entered Jesuit Novitiate in Montreal, Canada.🏥
claude von riegan fun fact #2543947896: every morning before class he makes sure to apply exactly 7 layers of his favorite lip gloss in the shade of Pegasus Gold™️ so his lips stay POPPING #fe3h
#1896: #Daryl #TuesDaryl #TWD #CarrionTrilevel #1896 #Fire
'boom boom .. on go the lights ..