Lately been wondering where I got the dumb idea to draw eyes like that and in the midst of a recent evening of retro gaming suddenly it was like..... oh.

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Doesn't obsession just become me?

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So, what, ya thought cuz it's the 19th anniversary of 8:1 that I was gonna drop a new comic with no warning, Beyoncé/Radiohead style?

Well, you thought right, but I caught the covids, so things got delayed. So let's say this Friday instead.

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No I do NOT wish to discuss how long it took to figure out the back of this woman's head except to say it was long enough where I'm now insisting you look at it.

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Water is to oil, me to your aggression.

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You took me back. But you shouldn't have.

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Look, did I drink way too much wine while watching Adventure Time when I got the bright idea to put Mary in one of Princess Bubblegum's outfits? That's none of your business.

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I'm a street-walking cheetah with a heart full of napalm.

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You say the things you love are the things you never had.

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Not sure where she's going but she probably shouldn't be going there.

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I am having tough so have more art for 7to1/8to1 because making art for those fics is honest therapeutic? In a weird way? IDK, this is a comic will also have a thread complaining it with my thoughts cause I have some.

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More fan art of fics 7to1 and 8to1 because I really love them, there will be a thread included for an explanation of each picture. I only have one last real fanart idea to draw before I exhaust myself out. That being my interpretation of each knight given description.

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