World of Women 9045 bought for Ξ5.1 ($6,173.75)
Avg Price: Ξ1.59
Rare Trait:
Clothes: Tuxedo - 1%

1 4

Listen Azuki fam… Miya (#9045) would really appreciate your vote in the first round of

She’s told me that anyone who votes for her will be randomly airdropped a jpeg from her hidden folder if they show proof of vote 👀

Show some love!! ⛩❤️🏝

1 13

This is Azuki a.k.a. Miya 💜

She likes cooking, full send degen minting, and tending to The Garden.

She’s excited for and is hoping to meet her match there! As an ice breaker, I heard she likes to compare hidden folders 🫣🥶


2 63

I checked with Miya (#9045) and she would be happy with that too 💜 definitely waifu material, would pair well with a fine gent with an Azuki tracksuit and a toothpick

0 4

looks like she’s made of waifu material. Hope we get matched to go on a date on

My portfolio may be down but I’ll buy you all the Tiffany you want on the next 🐂 cycle.


2 42