Itsu in 90's outfit.
She was in an art room, dozing off. The sky's so dark, heavy rain's pouring, and the temperature drop. Who won't get sleepy?

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Naraja, raja yg kelakuannya suka semena mena alias bikin orang mleyot😧

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My OC in 90's outfit! Mama is here~
She can do crazy thing sometimes but this one is just an act, menyesuaikan sama konsep (?)
Dan ya, gambarnya emang sengaja dibalik hehe

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Sudah lama tidak menampilkan anak-anakku yang cantik. Emaknya sibuk bucin husbu gepenk soalnya muehehehe.

Here's my submission for

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: Mina Mayastika Fitria

Special for challenge by
Outfit was inspired by HEIHEI clothing brand from Japan

Gatau udah dapet vibesnya atau belum. Tapi dress dengan potongan lebar, simpel, dan motif plaid gini ada di tahun 90an.

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