Woman with severe hip dysplasia and supervillain, Judas, from 's Prophet. Turns out she premiered with a different outfit that I had completely forgotten about.

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Feeling nostalgic this Christmas 🎅🏻🎄💚 I had a little time away from family to draw one of my favorite 90’s DCUties, Kyle Rayner GREEN LANTERN 💚

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❤️😴💤🛌💕 Here's another Dreamy, overly photoshopped, Vertigo inspired style variation of today's Sandman prompt. Day 2: Universe (B).

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If you read Marvel comics back in the mid 90’s there’s a chance you might’ve seen this guy.....COMBO MAN

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The was raging when I first dipped my toe into the comic book world. I was mesmerized by all the characters I had only seen and read about on cards before then. I loved it and could not get enough!

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You never know what you can find in the desert - Happy Birthday, Jeff! 🦴⚡🏜️😉

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Meet Cull. He gave up fame and fortune as a star Allball player to combat the evil forces of the Hierarchy. And he's got a big ass gun to do it. Dead Blood, this spring. By and I, with riding shotgun.

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When kicked off their title, they went right to the greatest DC legend of them all:

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