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Post #955: Teireida Mai by まほろ
Artist's pixiv: https://t.co/weLRTpnw1L
January 2, 1955: "The Bob Cummings Show" premieres on NBC (later airs on CBS). He played a dashing Hollywood photographer. Ann B. Davis won 2 Emmys as Schultzy, his faithful secretary. She was the model for "Pepper Potts" in Marvel Comics' Iron Man.
1 dicembre 1955: A Montgomery, in Alabama, #RosaParks si rifiuta di cedere il posto sull'autobus ad un uomo bianco, contravvenendo così alle leggi razziali allora in vigore...
20 July 1955: First flight of the Convair NB-36H Nuclear Test Aircraft ('Crusader') serial number 51-5712 at Carswell Air Force Base, Fort Worth, Texas. To date, the only American aircraft to carry an operational nuclear reactor.
Happy birthday to Kermit the frog
May 9, 1955: first appearance of Jim Henson’s Muppets.
#KermitTheFrog #themuppets
955: Enma, kokuto, esperanzas, las 9 sombras , Luffy y fin de acto.
1055: Pronostico derrota de Kaido...los creyentes del zkk pueden tener esperanza(? Pero si todo parece indicar q la batalla podria acabar aca
Swansea Grand Theatre Panto Facts:
Fact no 121: Pnto @SwanseaGrand
has ended 3 times on 11 Feb
1922: Babes in the Wood
1955: The Old Woman Who Lived in a shoe
1989: Goldilocks & the 3 Bears
@KevJohnscymru @SwanseaCouncil
@mikeDoyleComedy @EnjoySwansea
Happy birthday to Kermit the frog (yesterday)
May 9, 1955: first appearance of Jim Henson’s Muppets. Happy 65 years of the Muppets! The best
#jimhenson #kermitthefrog #themuppets
Happy birthday to Kermit the frog
May 9, 1955: first appearance of Jim Henson’s Muppets. Happy 65 years of the Muppets! The best
#jimhenson #kermit
#kermitthefrog @KermitTheFrog @TheMuppets @HistoryMuppet
“Knowing what must be done does away with fear.”- Rosa Louise McCauley Parks (February 4, 1913 – October 24, 2005)
December 1st 1955: Rosa Parks - sitting down to stand up
Day 955: Badass! I really like tonight's outfit. I also think there were definitely some aspects that were starting to work out! I got quite a bit of work done today, so even if I didn't spend as much time as I wanted on this, I still was pretty successful. Another practice done!