// blood, eye strain

[It wasn't my fault..]
Case 99128

2 11

99128 case

( rts are appreciated )

27 274

2021-12-10 15:00:01.991287
Image Source: Unknown
Artist: Unknown
Image: Unknown

0 10

//implied death, blood

case 99128, am i right?

728 13557

CW// blood

fun fact case was actually not his fault!

RT’s appreciated & pls untag!

17 61

tw// blood and glitch effects

the Lost Field Incident

[ ]

5 25

在991284110卖的小姑娘 😢

26 138

ジト目東北きりたん立ち絵 / 中野なのか さんのイラスト https://t.co/p7EuMqSNN5


100 167